The new site is coming along pretty good now

Just working on stuff this weekend. Man, I got a ton of stuff done here so I’m pretty psyched and now today (Monday) is a chase day.

Here is some of the new footage that I put on line. This is from Brians collection of videos.

5/15/1999 Gulf Of Mexico – Artificial Reef Loggerhead turtle video

Yes, were going to have over 800 videos on line in the free public section and that is not even scratching the surface. I have at least another 400 to add to the site and then I have to go and add the new HD footage and then all the new footage from all the stringers from this year.

By this time next year, BNVN will be huge and make what we have done in the past look like I was just warming up.

But your asking, so why does it take so long Doug? I have to review and watch every video, edit everything, and sign off on everything. Then I have to add the info to the database which I have to build but before I can build it, I have to setup the videos and encode them. It is a lot of work but it is ALL Worth It.

Also got my emergency gig bag ready to go in case there is a hurricane next week. So everything is ready except for the camera gear and clothes. If the computer models are correct, I could be chasing a cane by this weekend.

If I can get one good hurricane now this season, I will be loving life!!!