Well, I did not leave the house today, except to go to the hardware store to fix the sink. The weather looked like crap and the ceilings were way too low to chase. But there was a tornado warning in western Wisconsin. So my forecasts were dead on for the weather but it was not that good looking to chase after.
So when not fixing a broken sink drain today, I was working on the forecast for the next tropical setup and working on the database for the new website. I figure if I work on it without phone calls and distractions from people today (tomorrow) I should be able to get most of it done.What is taking so long? I have to load, watch and then enter every videos information into the database to make sure all the information is correct in the database. It is boring work for the most part but it MUST be done.
So, I’m calling it a night with another 50 videos in the database. I quit at 592 out of 800. The video is some pretty coral stuff Brian shot back in 2004, before the hurricanes messed up the Tortugas national park.