Ike moving towards South Texas

Okay, Ike intercept looking less and less of an option if it keeps moving west.  Per the 11pm NHC forecast, the forecast track shifted way to the west now where NOLA is not even in the target zone.

11pm 9/08/2008 NHC Forecast
11pm 9/08/2008 NHC Forecast

But, the latest computer models show that the hurricane could even end up in Mexico.  I don’t like to use forecast models more then 72 hours out but here is the latest from SFW.

Hurricane Ike forecast models
Hurricane Ike forecast models

As I talked about with Hurricane Dolly, this area is no mans land in South Texas.  Not a bad area except a bad area to chase.  The area is known in chasing as the King Ranch which is the largest ranch in the United States at 825,000 acres or 1289 square miles.

So if the chase target moves any further to the south, it is pretty much going to be a tough call to see if I go on the chase for Ike.