Stuff to ponder

Ok, Ike came in as a Cat 2 and overnight and not much to report from anyone and not much if any amazing footage that came from the storm.  The worst of it did come into High Island where I thought it would come in the day before it made landfall.

The media was over kill on this storm and it turned out t be a bust for them.  They said it was going to be the end of the world and then had to make it come true instead of looking like asses.  So yes there was storm surge and there was some loss of life but it was a hurricane, that is to be expected from the people that are too stupid to leave the area when they put out the hurricane warnings days in advance.  Before anyone rips on me, they had a ton of free bus transports and free shelters to ride out the storm well in advance of the storm.

Now in other news.  I have been told that due to someone washing clothes in hot water vs. cold or warm, I have been banned from doing someone’s laundry. 

I guess someone thought they were starting to put on weight when someone else washed their stuff in hot water a while back and her stuff shrank from size zero to size nadda. 

Sorry, My Bad.