Okay, it is 130 in the morning. I should be in bed but I’m not because I’m looking at booking travel plans and forecasts for Hurricane Ike which just earlier today was considered a bust since it was suppose to go to Mexico… Um yeah. Well Ike departed Cuba but now the forward speed has dropped big time.
What does this mean? Well the forward speed was what I thought was going to make Ike travel faster and into the west and avoid the front moving down from the Midwest that was going to pick it up. Now Ike is moving west north west at 7 miles per hour which is at least half the speed it was moving at in the previous several days.

So, now the computer models and forecasts are all being tossed up into the air with no real point of landfall for Ike yet other then somewhere along the Texas Gulf Coast during the overnight on Friday and Saturday.

Which brings up the next problem. The storm is going to hit during the overnight hour’s per NHC and per several computer models and hit in a place where there is not much to hit around Palacios Texas. So do I book up a flight, hotel and rental car and head down to Texas only to get into an area that will see the worst of the storm during the overnight hours where I won’t see much of anything in the first place, or do I stay home and work on several client orders for footage of stuff I already have?
The question is, do I try for the money shot in Texas with a high chance of it being a bust and a ton of Yahoo chaser’s from OK and TX showing up to make it even more of a pain in the ass or do I stay home and work on projects that I know will pay the bills? Oh well, at least there is 6 more good weeks of hurricane chasing where there could be better storms. I just don’t feel like chasing a hurricane in the middle of a cattle ranch.